Something about Micro Service


Nowadays, web applications become more and more complex. Some apps become enormous after several generations. Every release is a nightmare for both devs and ops and could last for over a week. The old way to solve this is modularity. Divide the whole application into several modules and then assemble them to form an application. In this way, the logic of the application is separated. When some issues occur, it is much easier to locate them and only modification of some parts of the code instead of the whole application is required.

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Web based medical image viewer


Traditional medical image viewers are either CS based or running on a single machine, but according to the recent work, I have found out the image viewer can also be implemented on web. This approach can exploit the benefit of web based applications, such as cross platform, easy to use(only via browser). Meanwhile, it also has some drawbacks. The major difficulties of a web based image viewer are the performance issues caused by the limited computation power of the browser and the latency of internet transmission.

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Communication between different applications in different languages via Rabbit MQ


In many scenarios, communication between applications in different languages are required. There are plenty of ways to solve this issue. For example, using Jython to compile the python code into JVM-compatible binary code, so that the code can be called by Java directly. Using messaging to communicate between applications is another way of doing “Remote Procedure Call” or simply pushing a message to the counterpart. Here I want to introduce how to send and receive messages between Java and python via RabbitMQ.

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Zinan Lin

Recent articles

Something about Micro Service

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Web based medical image viewer

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Communication between different applications in different languages via Rabbit MQ

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